Vox Pop Questions
Do you read comics?
- if yes : What do you like about them?
How did you get introduced to comics?
- if no : Do you watch any films or tv shows based on comics?
What has led you to view these yet not the source material?
Did the films spark an interest in the comics?
10 Questions:
1) What first drew you to comics?
2) What inspired you to pursue a career in comics rather than as just a hobby?
3) Has your passion for comics ever wavered?
4) Which comic inspired you the most?
5) Which comic would you recommend to a beginner.
6) In your lifetime how has the comic book industry developed?
7) Do you feel that the comic book films of recent have influenced the comic book community?
8) Where do you see comics in the next ten years?
9) In your opinion what has been the golden age of comics?
10) How do you feel that you have contributed to the comic book community?